The Metaverse Stores: Companies Worth Visiting 

July 12, 2023
The Metaverse Stores: Companies Worth Visiting
  • Metaverse is a virtual world with visual reality allowing users to create activities. 
  • Google also invested millions of dollars into the private equity funds for the metaverse.
  • Virtual reality games allow users to earn money by playing these virtual games.  

The metaverse is a virtual world with visual reality, which allows users to live, work, play, and travel, yet it only partially exists as it requires a while to complete. The tech industry claims it to be the next phase of the internet which would be a part of the business to make money. Moreover, a report sparked the metaverse economy, which estimated its worth between $8 and $13 trillion by 2030, making it more profitable.

The company has promised a wide range of demos on display, from SK Telecom’s 4D Metaverse ride, which also allows one to swat the virtual insects, which can be fun for the individual. Meanwhile, the metaverse is facing some challenges; it is a nebulous term.    

Can the Metaverse Change the World?

Google also invested millions of dollars into the private equity funds for the metaverse. The metaverse concept is also featured in Black Mirror and Ready Player One. So, the metaverse is the upcoming three-dimensional world that is more like reality and on another level of visual reality. At the same time, the meta is an alternative reality. And these graphic reality games can make a person make or earn money.  

Furthermore, when users earn experience points in the game, they can profit from these virtual reality metaverse games. Metaverse games are crypto games that help the player to earn Dollars. It can help to change the world. 

The Companies Worth Visiting

  1. Samsung

Samsung launched the Samsung 837CX in 2022, which the Metaverse hosted on the Decentraland Metaverse. It allowed the people to collect the NFT rare Badges and exclusive wearables for their experience, which provides the connectivity theater, sustainability, forest, and customization stage.

  1. The Microsoft 

Microsoft aims to utilize its Holo lens to combine AR with real life. It launched the Holo lens back in the year 2016. Microsoft also acquired Activation Blizzards for around $70 billion. 

  1. NIKE

In 2021 December was further persuaded to explore the metaverse by acquiring the digital fashion company RTFKT. In the collaboration, it launched the Nike air force one forging event. Now, users can buy and collect NFTs. Nikeland on the Roblox platform was thrown into the Metaverse water.

  1. Burberry

Being one of the metaverse’s most active luxurious fashion brands, announced its collaboration with the Mythical Games in August 2021. It is a limited edition Burberry Blanco in-game in its NFT collection.    

  1. Hyundai 

Having a bite in the metaverse, it recently launched its immersive virtual city, Hyundai Mobility Adventure & Hyundai pavilion, at Metaverse Space in January 2023. Having its existence for two decades, it is still a considerable and emerging technology. Moreover, inside the small games, Hyundai allows users to try Hyundai’s new high-tech features with the help of V2L technology.  


The emergence of the metaverse has captured the attention of various companies. With the metaverse being hailed as the next phase of the internet, companies are exploring its vast possibilities to generate revenue and engage with users in new and immersive ways. As the metaverse continues to evolve, it presents an exciting and lucrative opportunity for companies to engage with users, create immersive experiences, and explore new business models.

His love for reading is one of the many things that make him such a well-rounded individual. He's worked as both an freelancer and with Business Today before joining our team, but his addiction to self help books isn't something you can put into words - it just shows how much time he spends thinking about what kindles your soul!

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