THOR Wallet DEX: Non-Custodial Wallet Changing The DeFi Landscape

October 1, 2023
THOR Wallet DEX: Non-Custodial Wallet Changing The DeFi Landscape
  • THOR Wallet DEX is a non-custodial wallet that gives you full control over your private keys.  
  • The wallet supports Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum, providing the users a wide variety of choices. 

Wallets are generally used for securing your private keys, which give you the right to spend your coins. The wallet also provides you with a string of 12 to 24 words known as a seed phrase, which enables you to restore funds. These wallets are divided into custodial and non-custodial. 

While a custodial wallet includes any third party that manages your wallet or the company that provides it. In a non-custodial wallet, it is totally different, the wallet is managed by the user itself. These wallets are decentralized in nature and highly secure as there is no third party involvement. 

Such a non-custodial wallet is THOR Wallet DEX, which gives the user full control over their private keys. The wallet allows cross-chain swaps across different blockchain systems with the help of the THOR chain. It also provides liquidity pools, a cross-chain savings account, and the opportunity to earn passive income. 

THOR Wallet DEX- A Non-Custodial Wallet

Launched with the purpose of changing the landscape of DeFi and dealing with the masses, THOR wallet DEX has marked its name significantly in the world of wallets. It is a non-custodial wallet that gives the user full control over their private keys. The wallet has the features of cross-chain swaps, liquidity pools, and a way to earn passive income. 

With the app, the users can swap native assets, earn passive income through a liquidity provider or savings account, and store NFT tokens independent of their chain. The platform has its own native token called TGT, which stands for THORWallet Governance Token. 

What makes the app different from its competitors is that it allows users to swap native assets across chains, which is because of the functionality of the THOR chain. The THOR chain facilitates swaps between digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and many others. 

TGT – Native Token of the Platform 

TGT stands for THORWallet Governance Token, acting as the native utility token of the wallet. You can stake TGT to earn passive income, and you also get governance rights. By staking TGT, you can earn up to 16.44% APR and enjoy benefits such as reduced liquidity fees and lower trading fees. 

What Makes it Unique? 

Firstly, this wallet is the only one in the segment that provides users with the feature of swapping native assets across various blockchains. Secondly, it has no risk of Impermanent loss as it uses synthetics. Lastly, the network has its own NFT collection and also supports various NFT collections based on the Ethereum blockchain. 

Concluding Thoughts

In a nutshell, THOR Wallet DEX is on its way to changing the DeFi landscape with its groundbreaking innovation. By providing utmost security and amazing features such as liquidity and no risk of impermanent loss, it has paved its way in the digital world. It’s interesting to know what the  future holds for the wallet and DeFi space.

His love for reading is one of the many things that make him such a well-rounded individual. He's worked as both an freelancer and with Business Today before joining our team, but his addiction to self help books isn't something you can put into words - it just shows how much time he spends thinking about what kindles your soul!

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