What is the JUST (JST)?

October 2, 2023
What is the JUST Decentralized Finance Ecosystem (JST)?
  • JUST has a Dapp governance token known as JST, which is used on other protocols also belonging to the JUST ecosystem.
  • It is the first official lending platform on TRON where users can borrow, lend, deposit assets and earn interest.

JUST is a well known DeFi platform based on the TRON blockchain. JUST has a Dapp governance token known as JST, which is used on other protocols also belonging to the JUST ecosystem. 

The JUST ecosystem is a collection of various products that are centred around a decentralised stablecoin lending platform known as JustStable. The platform was launched in August 2020 and followingthat, it JUST issued an initial exchange offer (IEO) in the market that same year.

Tokenomics of Just 

It is a multi-token platform, USDJ and JST, both perform different functions on the platform. USDJ is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar whereas, JST token helps holders to participate in governance, paying interest to holders and setting parameters for JUST like the interest rate and the minimum collateralisation ratio. 

One can obtain USDJ tokens by depositing collateral in the form of supported collateral tokens. For example, if an individual wants a USDJ token, they can do so by giving TRON as collateral and locking it to form a collateral debt position (CDP).

The JUST is a token for dApp governance and various other protocols in JUST ecosystem. It can be earned by mining and by participating in the campaigns. USDJ is a collateral backed stablecoin, it is backed to the US dollar in 1:1 ratio. It maintains stability in the exchange rate by a feedback mechanism. It can be earned by staking and trading.   

JUST platform is accessible to all TRON users. JUST is trying to create a hub of DeFi products where one can find all the features under one roof.

Products in JUST Ecosystem 

It consists of three products that perform different functions and try to cater to TRON users with all the activities related to the blockchain. The products are as follows:

  • JustStable

It is a decentralised finance system for USDJ stablecoins. JST holders can participate in the governance protocol of the USDJ system. The borderless feature of the platform allows users to own USDJ anywhere, at any time and one can open an account on JustStable at zero fees.

  • JustLendDAO

It is the first official lending platform on TRON where users can borrow, lend, deposit assets and earn interest. JustLendDAO automatically matches the supply and the borrowing requirement, and generates attractive returns for users. It performs fast and efficient transactions as it works on the TRON network.

  • JustCrypto

It connects TRON to other crypto currencies and other public platforms. JustCrypto easily converts tokens from other chains to TCR-20 assets. It also offers low transaction fees and faster transaction execution.

It is a totally open and transparent platform where anyone can check the total supply and total reserve of the token, and the breakdown of the assets. The Tokens available on the platform are BTC, ETHOLD, LTC and DOGE, to which TRON can be converted. 


JUST (JST) is a well-known DeFi platform on the TRON blockchain, offering a collection of products like JustStable, JustLendDAO, and JustCrypto. JST is the Dapp governance token used in the JUST ecosystem. Users can borrow, lend, and earn interest on the platform, making it a hub for various DeFi activities on TRON.


His love for reading is one of the many things that make him such a well-rounded individual. He's worked as both an freelancer and with Business Today before joining our team, but his addiction to self help books isn't something you can put into words - it just shows how much time he spends thinking about what kindles your soul!

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